Anybody want to commiserate on something that sucks?

  • Junomint [any, any]
    1 year ago

    Can we talk about shite urban design and city planning in the US is and how much it fails to consider any kind of long term human habitation in any sort of logical reality? The heat islands, the fixation on single family homes, the distribution of local taxes to schools in said areas, the constant destruction of wet lands and green space, the lack of planning in social resources (putting food banks and shelters on opposite sides of the city so these people who are frequently disabled are forced to traverse basically an asphalt desert in order to meet basic needs), the focus on cars over less destructive forms of transit, the choice to develop areas that are NOT suitable for human habitation (wetlands, burn zones, eroding lands). Good god theres so much wrong I could just keep going.

    • ratboy [they/them]
      1 year ago

      EVer since I started following things like urbanism and fuckcars I’ve been looking at the infrastructure around my town more critically. American cycling infrastructure is sooooooo horrific. There is even decent infrastructure where I love but in the grand scheme of things it’s horseshit. It’s fun to get creative and imagine ways to redesign some of the streets, though.