thats why you gotta fart to keep homeostasis
thats why you gotta fart to keep homeostasis
Last in the mega but you’re first in my heart <3
thank you! I will listen to the song now
You’re very fortunate. Sinophobia is ‘baked into the cake’ as it were where I live. Chinese people are depicted as childlike, unscrupulous and brainwashed all at once as though they are ‘programmed’ by the CCP (CPC) to be spies for the country or rabid nationalists while still being shielded from the rest of the world behind the Great Firewall. Any basic normal day-to-day stuff, if done by a Chinese person, is instantly suspicious. Posting cute panda videos? It’s an insidious SoFt PoWeR pUsh. Buying infant formula? It’s China flexing its economic might to deprive western babies of nutrition. Highly coordinated dance? It’s brutal training to quash individualism (unless ofc its shenyun in which case it’s 4000 years of esoteric tradition and majesty…). Chinese people cannot exist or act in the west without being seen through the lense of the yellow peril.
Do trains in Arabic go toot toot توت توت ?
im going to get a second opinion asking a bodega kitty
Capitalism’s ability to absorb and commodify culture and criticism is so all-consuming that if the writer of Squid Game knew what was going to happen before season 1, he would have called it out as being too on the nose.
That’s exactly the thing, in the interview with Dumbrill, they discuss that Duggan had apparently full awareness and approval from the US airforce to train the pilot candidates in South Africa over a decade (?) ago. It was all above board. Iirc the US later down the track they approached him to become an informant and he apparently declined, which precipitated them arresting him without charge in 2023, for a crime that may not be on the books in both Aus and USA (a requirement for extradition). The extradition was approved over the Christmas break when there are fewer people around to scramble to his defence. It’s an absolute farce free country my arse.
Lmao cop a ban bozo. I can’t believe I actually scrolled through your history to see if you were redeemable
Yeah totally fair. My apologies for appearing to defend their comments, they’re so out of the blue and textbook sinophobia I’m like they must be doing a bit, but you’re right a more simple explanation is that they’re just racist.
They did, then have vowed to recriminalise it before year-end. Plus, for people who consume cannabis (and I think this includes CBD), China considers having presence of drugs in the system the same as consuming drugs within the country. Tourists travelling to PRC after consuming cannabis in Thailand have been caught out and charged.
Yeah it’s the whole :satire-requires-a-clarity-of-purpose-singlet: thing
OP’s post history on the bear at least appears to be on the up and up. They’re flying very close to the sun tho for someone from a different instance
Lmaoooooo you’re serious
Okay maybe you’re not serious. Quality imitation
Edit: they were serious
Not trolling, actual slang. NB is probably not for polite company though because the second character (that’s now substituted with the letter or other homophones) means ‘p*ssy’. You can skip that association entirely by just saying the first half 牛 sounds like ‘new’
I think I enjoy wechat a bit more for now because there are channels that do movie and tv show summaries so I can watch the latest slop (like the latest squid game) without wasting the same amount of time. The xhs algo hasn’t yet done it for me. Lots of ‘refugees’ and cat vids, and lots of anglo tiktok content. Hopefully it starts to narrow down? But lmao at this comment I came across:
A: why does he have no lips?
B: probably British
These are fantastic photos! The Mao head is so dramatic against the night sky