Famously conservative video games Bioshock and Metal Gear Rising.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
        10 months ago

        That’s why I asked. Maybe when I glanced into the fandom and made this face dead-dove-3 what I saw was just thirsty weebs putting the child characters in maid outfits and assumed that was just the standard thing there.

        • ewichuu [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.net
          10 months ago

          nahh touhou is really cool, the fandom has parts that suck and parts that give you the best friends of your life, stories that are p*do pandering and stories so good that can leave you crying for an hour, it’s immensely huge and a big point of touhou is self expression so you can find basically anything touhou related

          if you’re interested I recommend you read this!


          • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
            10 months ago

            stories that are p*do pandering

            Please tell me that this is just the bad side of the fandom making bad fanart/fanfics and not yet another “this franchise is really good as long as you ignore the creepy parts that are creeping on children” situation.

            • ewichuu [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.net
              10 months ago

              the franchise has absolutely nothing creepy on children. It actually has nothing creepy on adults either (which actually constitute the protagonists of the series in fact!), none of the designs are sexualized at all in the first place. It’s hard to even find cleavage. that is if you stick with canon works and with places that have reasonable fanon works like dynasty works. if you go to like… nhentai, where you have to set 30 blacklist tags to not be a creep, then yeah there’s lots of touhou stuff for creeps sadly…

              • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
                10 months ago

                Imagine that feeling when Fire Emblem Awakening is like a top 30 or so game for you


                “Oh senpai I am a lesbian and by that I mean I desperately want you to cure me of my lesbianism with a magic potion! Oh, you’re playing a female protagonist? Suddenly I’m not interested in you in that way!” what-the-hell

                • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
                  10 months ago

                  I forget if Awakening is the one with that plotline but it does have the yandere stereotype character that is extremly problematic and worse it has fucking NOWI which is probably the worst pedobait “1000 year old dragon” Ive seen in a video game.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
                    10 months ago

                    and worse it has fucking NOWI which is probably the worst pedobait “1000 year old dragon” Ive seen in a video game.



                    Nowi, due to the slow aging of manaketes, mostly acts like a child, but it is often done to cheer others up. She loves playing outside and is always looking for a playmate, though she explains to Nah that her constant playing around also serves as her training regimen. Upon joining the army, Nowi immediately understands her cheerful impact on the army and acts accordingly to keep the army’s morale up. Despite this, Nowi is well aware of her Manakete status and, like Tiki, is afraid of being alone, knowing that one day, her human friends will die while she continues to live on for many more millennia, which is shown in her support with Vaike. Nevertheless, Nowi continues to live every day enjoying the time she has with everyone in the army.

                    Nowi has moments showing her maturity, especially with her children to whom she uses less childish language and makes sure to care for them and raise them the best that she can. This is particularly evidenced in her supports with Nah, where she is concerned with Nah’s usage of her dragonstone to train, as it is too powerful and may negatively affect younger manaketes. In the following conversations, Nowi shows how much information she picks up while seemingly playing nonchalantly, as well as her ability to heed to her child’s wishes and incorporate them into her guidance, earning Nah’s respect naturally and making her change her initial thoughts about Nowi. Nowi is also shown to be very perceptive to the emotions of others, such as when she notices Nah’s pent up sadness upon a glance and lets her cry in her arms.

                    In her DLC conversation with Tiki, Nowi is able to cheer Tiki up by changing Tiki’s perspective of the world; Tiki deems her thoughts ‘pure,’ but in Nowi’s other support conversations, it is revealed that Nowi has also had her share of pain and loss and has been struggling to come to terms with them for a long time, which in turn hints that the perspective Nowi offered was a product of long and deep thought. As Tiki is made to sleep for the majority of her time to seal her immense power as a dragon scion, it is possible that Nowi is the more experienced with the world.

                    dead-dove-3 pathetic kombucha-disgust libertarian-alert

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
                    10 months ago

                    I lost track (and lost interest in the series) after the one with the touch-screen face-fondling “morale” minigame and the lesbian cure potion. I know there was always some sus gender politics and eugenics biotruthy themes throughout the series but that’s where I put it down and never picked it back up again.