The fact that it’s done as a triptych, and it’s not divided into three acts or scenes really highlights the concept of form over function that the right so dearly holds.
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The fact that it also kinda follows the rule of thirds makes it even more bizarre. They took the character of interest (Trump) and split him in half between the two panels, but left the cock and balls at another point of tension, implying some sort of sexual tension between the figures?
As they say, it buggers belief.
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Hehe buggers belief ;)
I thought it was “beggars belief”?
You’d bugger Belief too if you saw 'em.
The one upside I see is that you can swap out the middle and right thirds as needed to change the good and bad politicians when Oceania changes to always have been at war with Eastasia.
I think it’s just because that particular Joan Fabrics didn’t have a single canvas that was big enough on the Wednesday afternoon that the artist’s clinical manic episode compelled her to produce this.
You know they only shop at hobby lobby and only it at chickfillet.
they are so bad at every form of art it’s unbelievable
Literally the first thing I thought after parsing out the really cartoonish image was “why is this a triptych and not just on a single canvas?” Of course the answer is “because conservatives.” What a weird waste of time and money. Also I don’t personally want to know who these ghouls are but it might be good for society to know who these nasty little goblins are in case they enter Starbucks or the local Wage Theft Establishment.
The artist could put more time into their life drawing skill too.
what the fuck is wrong with these people
How much time do you have?
They’re weird.
If i was religious at all, that would be the heighth of blasphemy and deserving of eternal damnation
what’s interesting about contemporary christianity is that it’s not even all that clear if the idea of “eternal damnation” is something that’s actually supported by the scripture. and yet it’s such a fundamental part of modern christianity, especially for the so-called “god-fearing christians”.
If you go strictly by the bible, there is not eternal damnation, only in a sense that in the final judgement at the end of the end times, those who do not make it into heaven are simply destroyed, not sent to burn forever in hell.
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Fucking Paul again
That’s how the Episcopalians teach it.
And Adventists
Trump ticks so many false prophet/antichrist boxes, it’s insane, yet Christians love him somehow
I mean that’s also one of the tickboxes
I imagined some really dry delivery to this line and it made me chuckle
There’s more than one Christian that’s noted that, including Christians on the right.
Is this supposed to imply that Biden and Harris are Adam and Eve?
Wouldn’t read into it too much. Your efforts won’t be rewarded.
I say “Never try to ascribe rational motivations to irrational actors.”
They ate from the forbidden coconut tree.
The coconut nut is a giant nut
If you eat too much, you’ll get very fat
Now the coconut nut is a big, big nut
But this delicious nut is not a nut!It’s the coco fruit (the coco fruit)
Of the coco tree (the coco tree)
Of the coco palm family! (Lalala)
You are putting far more thought in the presence of far more knowledge of the Bible than the artist has.
If so, then trump is God? A bit sacrilegious, eh?
I assume Trump is supposed to be the angel wielding the flaming sword that guards Eden, although technically the actual passage (at least the NIV translation, which I’m using because it popped up first on my Google search) implies God ejected Adam and Eve and then placed the angel to stand guard after:
22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” 23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side[e] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
This is no more than an elaborate soyjak/chad shitpost
We truly live in the parks and rec timeline
We always have. A lot of Parks and Rec is based off of real town hall meetings.
Parks and Rec and The Simpsons are just pan-dimensional humanity from the far future trying to communicate with us Interstellar-style
Honest to God thought it was a parks and rec screenshot before I actually looked at the painting.
I wish
Straight to jail.
It’s baby sized because you can fit an entire baby inside.
First of all, that’s not how you hold a sword.
That’s not how you hold a sword.
You’re both saying sword wrong. It’s pronounced sword, not sword.
I think if you xray the painting you can see an AR-15
Painting drawn to skill.
She really spent a lot of time making Biden extra muscular. Weird.
I’m in awe of Kamala’s FUPA
Oh. That’s not tim walz? Even more weird.
Really demonstrating some wild mental health with this one.
All very well-adjusted, upstanding citizens. Not weird at all.
Conservatives are just fucking gross.
Biden and Kamala has NOT skipped leg day.
Or hand day apparently. Getting a real man hands Seinfeld vibe from Kamala
Righto that’s enough internet for me today lads night night I’m off to bed 🛌
I feel like a flaming sword would conduct heat and burn your hand
Depends on how you make the grip, could use insulating materials around the hilt to keep the heat from conducting
Please don’t try to make this painting plausible. For all of our sakes.
Well you see, STDs were his Vietnam, so he dodges the burn of the sword like he dodged the burn of gonorrhea (presumably), and incidentally, as he dodged the draft
Flaming swords have existed far longer than this painting.
I’m pretty sure flaming swords don’t exist at all.
She looks like she’s been crying.
She’s drunk. Look at the wine glass in her hands.
Yeah, cuz drunk people never cry…
I despise this.
Those are some ungodly proportions.