I am not in a comfortable situation in mine. It is a bit toxic tbh. The rest of it seems normal - so many meetings, everyone fumbling around trying to meet the goals that shift around. I do like the parts where I get to write code though:-).

Nobody enjoys 100% of every day and every activity. But do you enjoy your job… mostly?

  • Today@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I drive among a dozen different schools to work with kids with disabilities. I like my team and the regular work part of my job. i hate the new leadership’s micromanagement and disrespectful attitude and I’m sad and angry for the co-workers that have left because of them. I like the kids and it’s pretty fun most days, but i think it’s really the logistics that makes a job good or bad. I mostly set my own daily schedule; I’m off by 5 every day, every weekend, and almost all holidays; i have an office but don’t have to spend much time there; i get to see the sun every day; and no one notices if i stop to run a quick personal errand between schools.