It’s astonishing just how universally the mask is coming off.
I’m kinda just surprised they’re doing stuff like this when all it’ll do is drive some liberals and leftwingers away from the service. Were chuds boycotting Amazon because it was too woke for having an LGBTQ+ rights section in some corporate policy that nobody ever reads?
The thing is liberals suck at boycotting if it means any minuscule amount of inconvenience
Yeah, less than like 500 people will bother to do anything and that’s generous.
Probably bring in an unfathomable amount off of AWS alone
They’ve stopped pandering which tells me regular people are no longer part of their business model
AWS indeed makes up about 3/4 of Amazon’s income. The margins are much higher than their e-commerce.
Absolutely awful. I don’t think Marx could’ve even imagined techno feudalism tbh
Like how the fuck can anything done when most of the power is traversing amongst too-big-to-fail corporation
That ‘some’ is probably less than 500 people
heres hoping it will at least wake up some liberals
Fuck they absolutely could not wait to get on this train. Literally slavering at the mouth to drop the mask.
And yet it’s the chuds telling us that they’re the poor wittle guy without any institutional or elite backing, while us eeeeevil tankies are the ones controlling society from the shadows.
Fucking hell
won’t be them getting on the trains
Are we finally getting public transit
Amazon likely has phrenology style stats they’ve been waiting to unleash on their recruitment practices.
been waiting
they likely already do this
Aren’t they already running out of potential new hires in some area because of their insane turnover?
Yeah in moderately populated areas the average length of employment is 2-3~ months and maybe 5-10% of new hires last more than a year.
This requires that they haven’t already burned through so much of their labor pool by being such a shitty employer that they’re still able to be picky. But I guess I shouldn’t bet against Amazon finding new and exciting ways to be horrifying.
Internment/Fulfilment centers coming soon. Keep your stats high enough to get access to a public defender appointment for 15 minutes after a year.
there was a whole story about them ditching ai resume screening bc it was sexist and racist. i personally think it’s likely they’re still using it, lol
Average cranial mass of the best workers and finding new workers that are roughly the same is gnarly work
Hard to tell what this portends or how far this will go. Scary
It’s terrifying but not unprecedented. I suppose that makes it scarier, knowing exactly how far these people will go. After all, they’re the same species of human as Ford and all the other CEO’s who cozied up to Nazis.
Finally this full blown fascist turn might make some libs wake the fuck up and realize the severity of the situation and that nothing can be done from their couch or a voting booth. The people must prepare now before the Reich runs on full steam.
Nah, they’ll just make price of eggs jokes until they’re executed by the concentration camp guards.
They’ll fall further into line well before that.
There is nothing more bourgeoisie than belittling those they view as serfs over little things like eating to survive.
Finally this full blown fascist turn might make some libs wake the fuck up and realize the severity of the situation and that nothing can be done from their couch or a voting booth.
He said while literally being lined up against a bullet-hole stricken wall.
Finally this full blown fascist turn might make some libs wake the fuck up
If it does, not enough will do anything, and most will acquiesce.
Most will blame in on one CEO or the other. No systemic analysis.
What’s funny to me is that the whole pinkwashing/rainbow washing/not racist (not anti-racist! Just not racist!) performance is basically cheap as hell. A token hire. An online ad rollout. Some lip service. Even self-serving like “donations” to a “charity” their spouse works at. They already gamed the system. It was inexpensive.
But still the moment they can their nascent Hitler particles go critical and kick the hate reactor into overdrive.
No amount of being bullied online by SJWs or “I didn’t leave the left the left left me!” excuses can explain the speed and severity of this kind of heel turn. No. This is the true self unmasked. This was always their deep down. Good job on capitalism for creating a system where the most powerful people in that system are a bunch of huckster sociopaths. Nice.
White people are finally great again
If I had one bullet, stuck in a room with Musk and Bezos I would shoot them both with the same bullet.
shoot Bezos and pistol whip Musk to death
Somebody is getting it in the dick and then they’re both getting pistol whipped to death.
Agreed. Bezos seems like he might be harder to fight.
yeah he gives mid tier power level
I think you could just kick elon in the gunt and stomp him out pretty ez
Is there a gif of this? I really need a gif of this
It’s almost 9 MB so it’s kind of big. (For comparison, the .mp4 was 896 KB)
I’ve said it before but Trump’s second term seems to mark a shift. A real and probably enduring shift. After all they’ve had DEI and other -washing type initiatives since at least the 90s and they’ve picked up steam in the decades since, something like that isn’t necessarily discarded quickly without a thought so there’s some thought here on this shift. It’s capital in the west deciding that maybe you know trans people in the CIA and rainbow imperialism isn’t going to be enough, that maybe they need loyal soldiers in the core and to get them they need to shift to embracing the reactionary side of the culture war fully and trying to push America into a new age of reaction.
Time will tell but I predict that liberal/left-leaning shows and messaging are going to be strangled increasingly, censored, re-written, plain canceled as they push this into the wider culture much as happened in say the 50s with the second red scare.
I think pinkwashing just outlived its usefulness. You can see how a lot of color revolutions gets denounced by people pointing to the visibly queer people and rainbow flags within the crowd. A lot of Western NGOs gets flagged as Western NGOs because they also engage in pinkwashing. There’s probably going to be a revamp in messaging as the previous pinkwashing gets jettisoned for the sake of making the Western NGOs more easily blend into the crowd and operate incognito, even if it means adopting queerphobic talking points.
The queer people in those countries were set up for failure by those NGOs and now they will pay the price by queerphobic reactionaries within those countries.
It’s not just that. They didn’t adopt DEI and all these other measures in the imperial core just to assist in color revolutions. I don’t believe that for a second. It was always about distracting people from class and pretending capitalism could be a force for social progress, painting their exploitation of workers, their huge, uncaring mega-corporations with being you know concerned about gay rights or women’s rights or racial justice, etc. And some of it I’m sure was these people thinking that you know they could be good human beings at the end of the day by doing that kind of thing and wouldn’t have to give up their preferred economic exploitation of workers and the environment.
I think from that sprang the usage of these groups in color revolutions. They used to use gay people by blackmailing them that they’d out them to force them to work with the CIA but decided it might be more useful to have a fifth column that actually likes them and truly believes in the west being their liberators. It goes hand in hand with neo-conservative ideology of re-ordering the world to be a ‘better place’[tm] and that is now after Clinton, Bush, Obama, etc seeming to fall out of favor so this goes with it.
Can’t wait in 2050 for MechaShapiro Mk II to argue that the private sector really really cared about trans rights but the meanie big government republicans! (there was another party switch) wouldn’t let them.
Therefore if Michael Parenti were alive today he’d be an ancap!
Michael Parenti is alive, he just hasn’t been well for a while. Severe dementia.
I’m talking about in 2050 for this hypothetical, but I didn’t know about the dementia. That sucks.
A long while back when r/genzdong was the new kid just after the chapo ban a bunch of the users of that sub arranged a visit and went to see him, I think through his son who has been passing along praise and letters etc but unfortunately he’s quite far gone. Like, I have it in my will to be euthanized if in this state kind of dementia. That’s why we haven’t heard from him in years, it’s sad as hell, bring vindicated by history in your lifetime but you’re in no state to even know about it. Meanwhile fucking chomsky tweets to recent days
Stay safe out there, comrades. Reactionaries are now more emboldened
queers are gonna be the targeted demographic for this wave of fascism in the us. be safe.
Former democrat enthusiast Chef Bezos
Movie idea: antifa hacker does some hacker stuff to cause the next Bezos rocket to crash into a Tesla factory.
No, it’s bad. It means they don’t have to fear consequences anymore.