No issue with the song specifically, but an awful Trek intro. It has been a running joke with my friends for over 20 years though so it has some value.
When they do the alternate theme for the Evil Alternate Mirror Universe episodes and you start thinking “oh, this is actually all right and on-brand with reg–wait is that a fucking B-1 bomber” and realize that we’re in the bad timeline
I’ve been going through Enterprise (currently on S4) and the intro would be a great fit for a sci-fi show about early interstellar exploration and diplomacy
so that’s what I imagine the show is while I watch the next 9/11 time travel episode
It’d fit as something like Season 7 of For All Mankind - though in that case it’d end up being be more about the immortal technocorpse of Joel Kinnaman’s character fucking things up ala Mr House.
It’s been a long road, gettin’ from there to here
It’s been a long time, but our time is finally here
Apparently people don’t like The Sopranos intro but I rarely skip it
Apparently people don’t like The Sopranos intro
no fukin way. banger
Probably fear of a hitman standing right behind them
Woke up this mornin’, had some gabbagool
I never really understood how the same people who made DS9 then went on to create such boring character ensembles. You went from having shapeshifting goo, Ferengi, Lizard Spies, Jadzia, Clone Gene-warriors and Weyouns to Humans and the most boring species ever ™ Vulcans. Why do they always go back to Vulcans when they are so uninteresting. Discovery should have started with the very first test jump sending them into the future, wiping the slate and going back to a space opera of the week.
space opera of the week
Gonna be honest I always wondered if the reason they didn’t was they lacked the talent to write a great story that resolves in forty minutes.
The ascendancy of “prestige TV” as a creative form is truly poison for episodic drama.
Andorrian Bromance and Evil Dean Stockwell made up too little of that show
I was never a fan of the intro song. The bizarre thing is that it seems that Archer’s Theme was supposed to be the intro music (its duration is even exactly the same as the intro), but for some reason some executive thought “Nah, let’s go with ‘Where My Heart Will Take Me’ instead”. (The intro with Archer’s Theme)
that fits so good
…maybe i’ll finally watch ENT
I’d definitely recommend it. Out of the show’s 4 seasons, the last two are considered the best. It really sucks that they canceled the show just as it was getting good. I do not like the direction of nu-Trek, so for me ENT is essentially the last series that not only feels like actual Star Trek to me, but also still adheres to Roddenberry’s utopian vision.
Also, if you haven’t watched The Orville, I’d recommend that as well. It’s Seth McFarlane’s take on a Star Trek inspired show, and it feels a lot like watching TNG. Much more so than actual nu-Trek. The first season has some silly comedy in it, but then the next two seasons get more serious and better.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
The season 1 and 2 versions, yes. Season 3 and 4? Nah.
It’s good, only because it gives me time to reconsider watching ENT.
Yes in my opinion, having the worst prime directive episode out of any trek series damns it that much for me. Not to mention the other dumb shit, like why did we need a “red alert” origin episode?
Ok but the drum solo they added in I think the last season is dog shit.
When they changed it it went from cheesy good to cheesy bad
All Star Trek themes are bad.
While the series themselves have tried to articulate the idea that the future is multicultural, the themes have invariably been turned out of hegemonic moulds. Even the Patch Adams theme had to be blandified in later episodes to appease complaints that it wasn’t dead-old-white-guy-ey enough.
…the robin Williams movie about being a funny doctor?
UPN execs be like:
Alexander Courage
Alexander Cowardice
Star Trek 9/11 has a fun intro and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t
I’ve never been into Nu Trek. I just finished Voyager because it was a boring December here, and honestly it was barely watchable.
I just searched for the theme song on YouTube. I thought it was a joke, because fuck that’s bad. I had to click on three other versions to make sure that the first version wasn’t fucking with me.
Nothing says Star Trek like a cover of a Rod Stewart song
I’ve joked for years that they chose it because somewhere in the production somebody mixed his name up with Rod Serling
If I’m binging I will if I’m not I wont
This is how it is for a lot of series, not just ones with iconic theme songs.