I was really let down by FFXIV: Endwalker, especially after Shadowbringers which had a really good story (with those juicy socialism / climate change themes).

It felt (to me) as if the game transformed into complete capeshit where half of it was unsatisfying resolution of loose ends and the other a hamfisted story about optimistic nihilism vs negutilitarianism (the previous expansion covered hope vs despair well enough so it was kind of redundant as well imo).

Why does every long-term JRPG project have to go to shit (similar to the Trails series after Sky the 3rd or Azure depending on who you are asking)? Why must capitalism make every piece of media shitty in one way or another?

Rant over, feel free to post your own

  • Corroded
    9 months ago

    Cyberpunk 2077 disappointed me a bit. I felt like the main story felt a bit short and shallow when it came to decisions the player could make. Maybe it’s because the climax of the story felt like it was at the point of return at the very end and it felt quite abrupt.

    The side missions were a fair amount of fun but they felt a tad erratic but not in a fun varied way, in a way where they didn’t really seem to mesh together, I didn’t feel like I was making a big difference to the world.